The Revived Roman Empire

In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, has a dream where he sees a great statue with a golden head, silver chest and arms, a bronze waist, and legs made of iron with feet that are part clay and part iron. The statue represents four great empires. The golden head being Babylon, the silver chest and arms is the Medo-Persia empire, the bronze waist is Grecian Empire, and the iron legs with feet of iron and clay represent the Roman Empire. The feet of iron and clay mean that this kingdom will be divided. Some parts of it will be as strong as iron, and some as weak as clay, and iron and clay do not mix.

After AD 500 the Roman Empire did become divided, and for 1500 years these iron toes of Europe remained powerful and continued to rule the world. Countries such as England, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Holland etc. colonized large portions of the world. But, collectively, they were not a cohesive empire. They were a collection of smaller empires, whose ties to one another were no stronger than clay. Bible prophecy indicates that these countries will unite again during the end times, to form an alliance that will be run by the antichrist.

Ever since the original Roman Empire broke up into pieces around AD 500, there have been many men who tried to unite Europe again, and regain its former power. Charlemagne tried it around AD 800. He became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but he never got it all together. The Germans took over Italy around AD 960. They installed a king and called him "Kaiser" which means "Caesar" in German. Russia got into the act and took over parts of the northeastern section. Their king is called "Csar" which is Russian for "Caesar." Napoleon made a great try at it, but was defeated in both Russia and Waterloo. The Germans tried it again in WW1 under the Kaiser, and WW2 under Hitler.

In all these wars for the last 1500 years to unite Europe into one Empire, countless millions of soldiers and civilians died. No one man or army could join all the iron and clay toes together. But Bible prophecy indicates that somebody will do this in the future. And it looks like this future might be arriving, as the European countries are forming an alliance, with a common market, and with a common currency. And they are doing it without firing a shot. The previous men who tried for the past 1500 years failed because it was not in God’s timing. But it might be now, as it does appear that the Roman Empire is coming together again, this time without war. There may be some arguments and disagreements among the European leaders now in this alliance, but that will fairly straighten out when one man who is in the shadows steps in and takes over the whole show - the anti-christ.

The ending of this prophecy in Daniel, chapter 2, is that a great rock cut from a mountain by supernatural means, crashes into the statue, the statue is crushed into pieces as small as dust, and blown away by the wind. In this way God will set up His Kingdom that will never be destroyed. It will shatter all these Kingdoms into nothingness, and it shall stand forever, indestructible.

The prophecies indicate that when the Roman Empire is revived, Christ will return to set up His Kingdom here on earth. And with the countries of the old Roman Empire coming together today, do you realize how close we might be to Christ's return?

By George Konig
Christian Internet Forum
November 23, 2003

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