Bible prophecy explained:
Biblical prophecies fulfilled by Babylon

The excerpts below are from the Second Edition of the book, 100 Prophecies, by George Konig and Ray Konig, who are the authors and copyright holders. The excerpts are reprinted here with written permission from the authors. All rights reserved. The Fourth Edition, which has been revised, expanded, and renamed as
100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies, is available through

The Bible prophecies below are a selection from the Bible that involve the Babylonian Empire, which had rose to power for a second time about 2600 years ago.

1. Babylon would rule Judah for 70 years
Bible passage: Jeremiah 25:11-12
Written: Sometime between 626-586 BC

In Jeremiah 25:11-12, the prophet said that the Jews would suffer 70 years of Babylonian domination. Jeremiah also said Babylon would be punished after the 70 years. Both parts of this prophecy were fulfilled. In 609 BC, which is about 2600 years ago, Babylon captured the last Assyrian king and ruled over a vast part of what had been the Assyrian empire, to which the land of Israel previously had been subjugated. Babylon later asserted its dominance by taking many Jews as captives to Babylon, and by destroying Jerusalem and the Temple. The domination ended in 539 BC, when Cyrus, a leader of Persians and Medes, conquered Babylon and brought an end to its empire. Cyrus later offered the captive Jews the freedom to return to their homeland. - Copyright © George Konig, Ray Konig, and

Jeremiah 25:11-12:

11 This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

12 "But when the seventy years are fulfilled, I will punish the king of Babylon and his nation, the land of the Babylonians, for their guilt," declares the LORD, "and will make it desolate forever.

2. Babylon's gates would open for Cyrus
Bible passage: Isaiah 45:1
Written: Between 701-681 BC

In Isaiah 45:1, the prophet said God would open the gates of Babylon for Cyrus and his attacking army. Despite Babylon's remarkable defenses, which included moats, and walls that were more than 70-feet thick and 300-feet high, and 250 watchtowers, Cyrus was able to enter the city and conquer it. Cyrus and his troops diverted the flow of the Euphrates River into a large lake basin. Cyrus then was able to march his army across the riverbed and into the city. - Copyright © George Konig, Ray Konig, and

Isaiah 45:1:

"This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut:

3. Babylon's kingdom would be overthrown, permanently
Bible passage: Isaiah 13:19
Written: Between 701-681 BC

In Isaiah 13:19, the prophet said Babylon would be overthrown, permanently. History confirms that when Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC, it never again rose to power as an empire. Before the time of Cyrus, however, Babylon had been defeated by the Assyrian Empire but was able to recover and later conquer the Assyrian Empire. However, like Isaiah prophesied 2700 years ago, the Babylonian Empire never recovered from Cyrus' conquest. - Copyright © George Konig, Ray Konig, and

Isaiah 13:19:

Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians' pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah.

4. Babylon would be reduced to swampland
Bible passage: Isaiah 14:23
Written: Between 701-681 BC

In Isaiah 14:23, the prophet said that Babylon, which had been a world power at two different times in history, would be brought to a humble and final end. It would be reduced to swampland. After Cyrus conquered Babylon in 539 BC, the kingdom never again rose to power. The buildings of Babylon fell into a gradual state of ruin during the next several centuries. Archaeologists excavated Babylon during the 1800s. Some parts of the city could not be dug up because they were under a water table that had risen over the years. - Copyright © George Konig, Ray Konig, and

Isaiah 14:23:

"I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland; I will sweep her with the broom of destruction," declares the Lord Almighty.

Notes: The excerpts above are from the Second Edition of the book, 100 Prophecies, by George Konig and Ray Konig, who are the authors and copyright holders. The excerpts are reprinted here with written permission from the authors. All rights reserved. The Fourth Edition, which has been revised, expanded, and renamed as
100 Fulfilled Bible Prophecies, is available through