How the World Will Become One - part 1

The following commentary is taken from the "Midnight Call" magazine and written by Arno Froese.

" One of the most difficult things to grasp for citizens who have lived under a so-called free system such as democracy is that it will usher in the new age of the Antichrist; a temporary time of world peace and prosperity.

World unity is being accomplished in different ways and on different levels. An article from the April 26, 1992 edition of the Kansas City Star provides us with a glimpse of how world unity is coming together.

"A new economy rules. Because of the different histories and present circumstances, Japan and Europe will be infusing the capitalistic economy with strategies very different from those found in the Anglo-Saxon world.

They will force the economic leaders of the 19th 20th century, the United kingdom and the United States, to altar the way they play the economic game."

...what we see developing today is unprecedented. The success lies in rejecting the old traditional ways and pulling out onto new avenues to achieve prosperity, success and unity.

Britain first held the torch but the United States has been the world’s economic leader for most of the last century. If other nations tried to interfere, they were silenced by force...

The United States is no longer the undisputed leader of the world. Our national debts testify against any other theory. Britain, once a world empire, is now one of the poorer nations of Europe. England’s standard of living is substantially lower than that of Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, and Norway. So, just as was pointed out in the Kansas City Star article, the old Anglo-American system is failing and we will be surpassed by the new social/capital world system now being developed in Europe.

The Coming European World

The new European power structure will fulfill the prophetic predictions that tell us that a one-world system will be implemented. Once the system is established, it will fall into the hands of an extremely clever person the Bible identifies as the Antichrist.

The fourth Gentile empire, which is being established today, does not need to be labeled as the Roman Empire or the One-World order. These and many other labels that are being coined today will ultimately merge into one.

Whether the unity of the world is promoted by certain organizations such as the Illuminati, Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the G-7, the United Nations, or any other, the aim and result will be the same.

It is necessary to distinguish between each of them and analyze their objectives because it is the same one-world spirit. The same spirit prompted the building of the Tower of Babel. We can justifiably call the movement toward world unity an unmistakable sign of the end times. The Antichrist will be especially successful in the last days when he incorporates the world into one.

Important for Christians to understand is that the progress and subsequent success of the new world is not necessarily evil and should not be rejected by believers, but we must always keep in mind that we are in the world and not of the world.

Joseph was a slave in a foreign government, as was Ester. Daniel faithfully served two dictatorships that had destroyed his own country and led to his captivity. Above all else, Jesus was obedient to the dictatorship of Rome!

All governments have been ordained by God, but each and every one has been placed under the jurisdiction of the devil because he is the god of this world. He is the prince of the powers of darkness. No doubt, there are differences between the various governments, and surely, the communist governments committed more evil acts than the democratic governments, but these things have no direct relationship to the Church of Jesus Christ.

Use All Things Liberally

The Bible is clear that regardless of the world's evil condition, believers can make use of all things in our service to God. Thus, we read in 1 Corinthians 3:22: "Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours." We may use all modern facilities, inventions and products to further the Gospel, and not feel like we have to analyze everything for hidden diabolic intent.

For example, we have had people tell us they will not subscribe to our magazine because we accept credit cards as forms of payment. These people assumed that we were in cahoots with the devil, but we would be blind if we denied that a one-world economy already existed."

Part two of this comment will be listed next week.

By George Konig

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