Worship The Creator, Not The Creation

I’m sure we all have friends who worship nature in some way, but do not show the same reverence to God. Many years ago I use to ski the mountains of New England with a group of friends. As our cars came into view of the Berkshires or Green Mountains, this one friend would say "there is my god, the mountains." I could never understand how somebody could worship mountains, and not the One who created them. And there are countries whose people actually worship animals. In the book "The Revelation of Truth" by John Hagee, Mr. Hagee wrote a paragraph on this subject that I would like to pass on to you.

"The second command God gave Adam and Eve was to "have dominion" over the fish, birds, and every living animal. Spotted owls, snail darters, blind beetles, and leopards were never meant to rule mankind. Humans are to have dominion over the animals - period.

I'm not anti-animal. My family has loved domestic animals, and I appreciate the beauty and grace of God's wonderful animal kingdom. But when it comes down to a question of whose rights are more significant – those of man or those of animals - I'll vote for man every time.

Pantheism, the ancient God-is-nature belief, is pure foolishness. America is drunk on the theology of pantheism today, but in the beginning God created the heavens and earth. The heavens and earth did not create themselves.

Drunk on nature worship, America’s intellectuals are hugging trees instead of worshiping the true Creator. We have placed the rights of spotted owls above the rights and needs of human beings created in the image of God. If you think the Spirit of God dwells in a tree, my friend, go hug a ponderosa pine the next time you get sick, and see what happens.

Incidentally, have you heard about the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) campaign to discourage people from wearing fur? These animal rights activists have ambushed people on city streets and thrown red paint over their fur coats. Just consider the logic! They say they are defending the rights of helpless, voiceless animals. If, however, I went around tossing buckets of red paint over women who stepped out of abortion clinics, would anyone accept the idea that I was defending the rights of helpless, voiceless babies? It's more likely I'd be tossed in jail and labeled a terrorist.

Too many writers, politicians, and media people are running into the woods, ripping off their shirts, and baying to the moon. They are worshiping "Mother Earth" and praying to "the goddess." They are saying it is more important for a yew tree to grow unmolested in the Pacific Northwest than for a woman with cancer to be cured with Taxol, a drug derived from the yew tree.

Hear me - there is no "Mother Earth." There is only Father God, the Creator of heaven and earth. We are to be good stewards of all God has given us - including the planet - but we are never to confuse the creation with the Creator!"

By George Konig
September 26, 2004

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