The devil knows the power behind the name of Jesus

Many people do not realize the power that is behind the name of Jesus; but the devil does realize that power; he hates Jesus and wants to desensitize the world to His name and His Word. Jesse Duplantis wrote a good article on one of the methods the devil uses to try to get us desensitized to Jesus.

" Have you ever wondered why the only names used in vain are Jesus Christ and God Almighty? In all my life, I've never heard someone lose his temper and yell, "Ah Buddha damn!" I've never heard about a movie called "The Last Temptations of Muhammad."

Have you ever wondered why people use God's name when they want to damn something? It's actually very simple. It is because His name is the only one that holds any power. When a person is angry and feels powerless, it's their natural reaction to lash out at the One who has the power - and that would be God and His Son Jesus Christ. Those names represent power.

Believe me if Buddha had power, they'd be cussing his name too. If Muhammad had it, they'd scream obscenities behind his name as well. But nobody's yelling their names because Buddha's dead, Muhammad's dead and Hari Krishna is dead and gone too! Only God and Jesus Christ are alive and well and the devil is doing his best to try to desensitize us to the power behind those names.

Jesus is alive! He lived as a mix of Mary's flesh and God's Spirit, the biological Son of God, and even the demons know it! Realize that there are always people who will try and negate the truth about Jesus. They'll try and dismiss Him and get you to doubt that He's really the Son of God. Don't listen to them talk nonsense.

When people try and dismiss that Jesus is the Son of God, they are simply reasoning with their natural mind and we know that, according to 1 Corinthians 2:14, the natural mind cant receive the things of God because they are spiritually discerned. Don't let them convince you that Jesus was just a great teacher or a great prophet. Jesus was more than a great teacher, prophet or even messiah. He was the only begotten Son of the Living God. "

By George Konig
June 20, 2004

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