Frog in the water

I recently read a paper put out by a local Catholic church titled "Frog in the Water." It’s a great message on how our society is becoming more and more tolerant to the dark side of life, or the "Culture of Death" as it is known today. The following is from that paper.

Quote: Dr. Janet Smith, author and professor emeritus of Notre Dame University, told this to a large group of medical practitioners in September, 1994. "If you put a frog in scalding hot water, the frog will jump out immediately. If you put that same frog into lukewarm water and gradually turn up the heat, the frog will happily let itself be boiled to death." Dr. Smith equated this to the way many have become more tolerant to the dark attitudes in our society.

The "heat" of darkness has been gradually turned up; it has been allowed, over time, to pervade society's thinking with: "Oh, it's ok"; "just one won't hurt"; and "why not, everyone else is doing it". Is this gradually charting the course for the morality of our society? Remember, Dr. Smith said all this in 1994, ten years ago! Ask yourselves this question: honestly, have things gotten better or worse since 1994? Many would respond. "worse". Violence and crime have increased, more of our teens are disillusioned, in trouble, or in jail, there’s been an outbreak of school shootings, internet access and resultant abuses are rampant, we read of cases of physical and sexual abuse daily, etc. Just look at the use of "fad drugs" in elementary schools - are they just a passing fancy?

Dr. Smith went on to say, "it use to be I could watch TV and find some decent programming. The soaps are soft porn and this show, MTV, borders on hard-core porn! Now I can’t watch the commercials without being offended". Mind you, that was in 1994. What would be the context of her speech be if it were given today? In 1994 we didn't know the term "culture of death"; it came into being with John Paul II's encyclical "Evangelium Vitae - the Gospel of Life" in 1995.

By whatever term we call it today..."liberal society" or "culture of death," it comes down to this: The water is heating up. It is time for our society to wake up and see the reality of the "culture of death": abortion, porn, casual and hard-core drugs, satanic videogames, misguided media, music and today’s entertainment. It's attitudes of "I'll decide what's right and what's wrong"; "it's my body, it's my choice"; "we have to be tolerant, we don’t want to offend"; "everyone should have the right to be married"; "religion has no place in government"; etc. Darkness can overwhelm us, if we are not in the light. Look around you, look into your own attitudes, look at your kid's routines; know what they are being taught in their schools. If you are a bit uneasy, it's because "all is not well in River City".

What can we do? Turn to the light. Turn to the Gospels: turn to the Cross. Turn to Christ - there is truth! Come back to God with all your heart. Don't let "darkness" keep us apart (from Him) Unquote

A quick way to get out of the "culture of death" and into the "Gospel of Life" is to say this simple prayer, and turn your life over to Jesus.

"Lord, I know I am a sinner. Come into my life, forgive my sins. I know You are the Son of God and that You died for me and rose again. Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit, and guide me for the rest of my life".

By George Konig
June 6, 2004

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