God's love and God's Wrath

The saying that became so popular a few years back, and is still popular today, "God is love" comes from 1 John 4:16. Many people today use this scripture, but they use it in the wrong context. Yes, God is love, but that does not mean we can do whatever we want without penalty.

Many people believe that God is only love, in the incorrect sense that His love does not include punishment. Imagine a parent who refused to correct or punish his children – would he be a "loving" parent? People sometimes believe they can commit any sin, do anything they so desire, and God being love, will not bear judgment against them. These people obviously have not read the Bible, and if they have, it would be a pretty selective reading.

God gave us a set of rules to live by called the 10 Commandments. These are just what they say they are, "commandments", and not "suggestions." You break these commands and you set yourself up for punishment.

Many TV and movie stars, talk show hosts, rock stars, and politicians have led people into sin with their liberal lifestyles. How many young people who look up to these so-called idols have been led to believe that sin is OK, or that there is no such thing as sin, because God is love. Though God is patient and does not want any to perish, judgment will be brought to bear against those who disobey His will. This is a given fact, these people will witness God's wrath. The proof is found in the Old Testament’s history of the people of Israel. Even though they are God’s chosen people, they still were punished, severely, when they turned away from God and worshipped false gods.

More proof of God's wrath is the disappearance of the countries that surrounded Israel, such as Edom, Moab, Ammon, Phillistia, Assyria and Babylon. These countries were Israel’s enemies 2500 years ago, and God stated He would make an end to all nations that persecuted Israel. Although many artifacts, relics and writings were dug up confirming the former existence of these countries, where are these countries today?

The proof of God's love is this: There is no greater love than a man willing to die to save others. Jesus being a God of love died on the cross to pay the penalty of sin for people who believe in Him.

History proves God’s love and also His wrath, and for all those who continue not only to break His Commandments, but inspire others to do the same, they will eventually experience this wrath.

The Scriptures state that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. There is no truer statement in the Bible.

By George Konig
Christian Internet Forum
January 11, 2003

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