Hussein, Haman, and the Nazis

The Gulf war of 1991, this war in 2003, and the Nazi regime of WW2, all seem to tie in with the Book of Ester. The Book of Ester deals with an event that took place after the Persians had destroyed Babylon and while many Jews were still living in the land of their captivity. The wife of the Persian king, Ahasuerus, was a Jewess named Ester. The prime minister of Persia, a man named Haman, tried to destroy the Jews in order to gain their wealth, but Ester intervened and saved her people from destruction. The deliverance of the Jews was celebrated by a 2 day feast named Purim, and it remains to this day.

Most of the following is taken from a Benny Hinn televised show, called "This is Your Day."The Gulf war ended during the feast of Purim in 1991. In 2003 President Bush gave the final ultimatum against Iraq on March 17th, which was also during the Feast of Purim. When the 1991 war ended nothing was resolved, and Hussein continued developing missiles to destroy Israel. In 2003, this war is continued during the same two feast days on which it ended in 1991.

God saved the Jews 2500 years ago through His appointed one Ester. Are the Jews again being saved in some divine manner? Is President Bush and the Coalition forces the agents this time as Ester was some 2500 years ago? Think of it this way: If not for the war against Iraq now, would Hussein have eventually fired missiles at Israel? He did during the Gulf War in the early 1990s. And, his regime rewarded the families of Arabs who carried out acts of terrorism against the Jews.

In the Ester war, Haman built gallows. That was his weapon of mass destruction. His goal was to destroy the Jews. But, Haman ended up being hanged on his own gallows, along with his sons. In the Gulf and in the present war, Hussein built missiles to destroy the Jews, and ended up very possibly being destroyed by a missile himself, along with his sons, or at least put out of commission. Coincidence?

In the Book of Ester, Haman and his 10 sons were hung on the gallows, they built to hang the Jews. In the Hebrew text of Ester, chapter 9, when it is relating to Haman’s 10 sons, there are three Hebrew letters written smaller than the rest, and people wondered why those letters are there. These three small letters were later decoded to equate to the year 5707 in the Hebrew calendar, which would equate to a year that overlaps part of 1946 and part of 1947 on our calendar. During that time, ten Nazis went to the gallows in Nuremburg for their crimes against Jews.

To recap all this: Haman sought to destroy all the Jews living in the general area of what is now modern-day Iraq, 2500 years ago. The Nazis sought to destroy all the Jews in the 1930s and 40s. Hussein sought to destroy the Jews during this present era. Haman built gallows to kill the Jews, instead he and his ten sons were hanged on the gallows. Ten Nazi war criminals who tried to kill the Jews were also hung on the gallows in the exact same year that is encoded in the Book of Ester. Hussein developed missiles to attack Israel, and he and his sons were either killed, or removed from power, by the same type of weapon he developed to destroy Israel.

The Feast of Purim which started in the days of Ester, and comes up to this present day, is telling us this: The enemies of Gods people will construct these weapons against God’s people, but in the end, these same weapons will be used against the enemy, and destroy them.

In the Book of Ester, it was prayer and fasting that saved the Jews from Haman and a group of Persians. In 2003 it was prayer and fasting that saved the Jews from Hussein and his henchman. There were churches and websites that had continuous prayer and fasting to end this war with Iraq quickly without weapons of mass destruction, and with a minimum of casualties. And as of this writing, it has worked. But it’s not over. To keep the United States, Israel and other countries from the terror attacks such as September 11, or worse, let’s keep on praying and fasting.

By George Konig
Christian Internet Forum
April 13, 2003

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