Prophecies of the Last Days, Part 3 of 4

The following is part 3 of a 4-part series. Click here for Part 1 and Part 2

In the last two weeks, we listed 22 prophecies, that have been , or are being fulfilled right now. If you are not convinced the Bible speaks the truth, and we are in, or very close to the "last days", here are some more. These too are based on the book "101 Last Days Prophecies", by Eternal Productions.

23. Jerusalem would be "a cup of trembling" to all surrounding peoples (Zech. 12:2). "See, I will make Jerusalem a bowl to stupefy all peoples round about..." Jerusalem is a small city, with no natural resources, no port, insignificant manufacturing and industrial capability, yet its very existence causes the surrounding nations to shudder.

24. Israel would be partitioned by all nations (Daniel 11:39). This is another unimaginable prophecy! In 1947, United Nations Resolution 181 planned the partitioning of Israel. The West bank, the Golan Heights, and Gaza have been divided up into Jewish and Palestinian settlements.

25. The nation of Israel which had been divided into two kingdoms since just after the time of Solomon (950 BC) - Israel in the north and Judah in the south - would be one united nation in the last days (Ezek. 37:15-22). And so it is today - Israel is one nation.

26. Israel would be invincible Zech. 12:6-9) "On that day I will seek the destruction of all nations that come against Jerusalem." Since 1948 tiny Israel has been attacked in three major wars and six lesser wars, yet despite being vastly outnumbered, they have defeated all attacking foes. Even during the final battle, when it looks like Israel will be destroyed, the Lord shall deliver her (Zech. 14; Mark 13:14-20). An invincible Israel makes no sense - unless you believe God's Word.

27. The returning Jews would have no king until Jesus returns (Hosea 3:4-5). As foretold, Israel has been without a king for over 2500 years. Amazingly, not only is Israel no longer a theocracy, but today the Jewish state is governed by a Democracy comprised of 30 political parties.

28. In the oncoming war of Gog and Magog (Ezek. 38), in which many countries, including Russia and Moslem countries - march against Israel - it is interesting to see Egypt and Jordan are not two of the invading countries. What's more interesting is, these two nations have signed peace treaties with Israel - Egypt in 1979, and Jordan in 1994.

29. Birds of prey would eat the dead flesh of the enemy armies that fall in battle against Israel (Ezek. 39:4, 17; Rev. 19:17-21). "Upon the mountains of Israel you shall fall, you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you. To birds of prey of every kind and to the wild beasts I am giving you to be eaten." It is a little known fact that Israel is the bird migration capitol of the world. During the spring and fall migrations, billions of birds fly over Israel. Many of these migratory birds are raptors - carrion (dead flesh) eating birds of prey. In fact, 34 species of raptors migrate over Israel.

30. The Euphrates River would be dried up (Rev. 16:12). "The sixth angel emptied his bowl on the great river Euphrates. Its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East." Two thousand years ago this would be an impossible feat, unless done by a miracle. But today, the massive Ataturk Dam in Turkey, completed in 1990, can hold the Euphrates to a trickle.

31. Asia (the kings of the east) would be capable of deploying a 200-million-man-army during the last days (Rev. 9:14-16; 16:12). "The number of cavalry troops was two hundred million; I (John) heard their number." Bear in mind when John penned this prophecy 2000 years ago, there were only an estimated 250 million people in the entire world. Yet today, according to the CIA, China alone has 281 million men fit for military service.

32. Population explosion foreseen (Rev. 7:9) "After this I had a vision of a great multitude, which no one could count, from every nation, race, people, and tongue. . ." This and the above prophecy, indicates an enormous number of people on planet earth in the last days.

33. Egypt would exist as a third world nation in the last days (Ezek. 29:14-16). "...I will restore Egypts fortune, bringing them back to the land of Pathros, the land of its origin, where it will be the lowest of kingdoms, never more to set itself above the nations. I will make them few, that they not dominate the nations." Egypt was one of the greatest ancient civilizations. Yet today, as prophesied, Egypt remains an impoverished nation. To show how amazing this prophecy is, compare modern Egypt with the tiny nation of Austria. Egypt has ten times more land area, and a population eight times greater than Austria. Yet, Egypt's Gross Domestic Product is only one-fifth of Austria's GDP.

34. Youth would become increasingly rebellious (2 Timothy 3:2-3; Mark 13:12). No comment necessary.

35. Humanity would become increasingly materialistic and lovers of pleasure (2 Timothy 3:1-5). No generation in history has had so many means to entertain and arouse the senses. Every imaginable hedonistic pleasure is available and has become big business.

36. Jesus said Christians would be hated for His names sake (Luke 21:17; Rev. 6:9-11; 20:4). The banning of the Bible, prayer, the Ten Commandments, nativity scenes, Christmas songs, etc. reflects this trend. Also consider that more Christians were martyred during this past century than during all of history.

37. Preparations for a global war anticipated (Rev. 16:14; Joel 4:9-14). Never in history have so many nations stockpiled weapons of mass destruction.

38. Environmental devastation of the planet foreseen (Rev.11:18). Our generation has done more to ravage the environment than any previous generation.

So now you have sixteen more "last day" prophecies. Are you convinced yet, the Bible speaks the truth? Are you ready to take the giant step of accepting God's free gift of salvation? If you are ready (and I hope so), then read our comment on 04/18/04 "Abandoment of You Will to God (praying for salvation)", and follow the instructions.

By George Konig

See a list of all of our commentaries