The connection between hurricanes, disasters and abortion

Most of the following I found in the book "God's Final Warning To America" by John McTernan.

" Since the 1980s, America has suffered one awesome disaster after another. There have always been disasters, but now they are happening regularly and with greater intensity. The media is constantly reporting such dramatic headlines as: "The Worst Flooding in 500 years," "The Worst Stock Market Crash in History," "The Worst Tornadoes This Century," "The Most Destructive Hurricane on Record," "The Most Powerful Earth quake in 80 years," "The Worst Year Ever for Forest Fires," "The Coldest Winter on Record," and "The Worst Storm of the Century." The list of these headlines dramatizing the disasters hitting America can go on and on. These headlines cover only a 10 year period of time! Think of what has happened to America since 1987. "

This book was written in 1996, long before the terrible hurricanes of 2004, and Katrina of this year. It also does not reflect the 10 hottest summers recorded occurred in the last 20 years.

Why is all this happening to the United States? Believe it or not, it might all be connected to the Supreme Court decision in 1973, when killing babies in the womb was legalized, judgment from God did not appear to immediately fall from Heaven. As John McTernan writes:

"There was no apparent reaction from God. Just as the decision to bar prayer and Bible reading in schools, the country continued on. However, looking back to 1973, it is clear that judgment immediately fell on America. The judgment that began in 1963 for rejecting God was intensified in 1973.

Every year since 1970, Fordham University has produced a study called the Index of Social Health. This index is a study of the quality of life, and it is an overall view of the nation’s social health. The index examines all levels of society by measuring 16 key indicators. The levels are: children, youth, adults, aging, and all ages in general. For children, the index examines infant mortality, child abuse, and children in poverty. The key indicators for the youth are teen suicide, drug abuse, and high school dropouts. For adults, the key indicators are unemployment, average weekly earnings, and health insurance coverage. For all ages, the areas examined are homicides, alcohol related highway deaths, food stamp coverage, access to affordable housing, and the gap between the rich and poor.

This index is unique. It is the only study that combines 16 key indicators into a single measurement to monitor the social well being of the nation. This index is able to give a long term view of the direction of the nation. These indicators provide a comprehensive view of the nation’s social health. The key indicators are tied directly to the nation’s institutions, such as the family and school.

The index combines the 16 indicators into a single rating with 100 being the highest. The higher the rating, the better the social conditions. The early 1970's ratings averaged around a rating of 73. The highest rating recorded was 76.9 in 1973. The rating started dropping in 1974 and continued to drop until 1991 when it fell to 39.4. This represents a 50 percent decline in less than 20 years!

The year after America legalized killing babies in the womb, the terrible social deterioration started! According to this index, 1973 was the high water mark of American society.

Since 1973 society has been crumbling. The deterioration had become catastrophic by the mid 1990's. The current social conditions of America can be traced directly back to 1973 when God's blessings were withdrawn and His wrath fell on the nation. The nation was immediately judged in 1973. It just took some years for the judgment to show."

As you can see the increase of weather disasters, the increase of social disasters, the constant wars, and now terrorism, has become a part of life since 1973.

People will say "God is love" and would not punish America with increasing disasters. Yes, God is love. He loves every little baby that He forms in a mother’s womb (remember God does not see a difference between a baby in a mother’s womb, or a full term delivered baby. They are all human men and women to Him). Yes God is love - but don’t kill His children - you will then see His wrath - and we are seeing it.

What can we do about it? Pray! Pray to end this "culture of death" mode this country got itself into since 1973. Pray for our President, Congress, Supreme Court, our cities and churches, to lead us back to sanity. Pray to end the killing of over 44,000,000 babies since 1973, and bring family life back to America. If this happens, I believe all these disasters would come to an end

By George Konig
September 25, 2005

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